What is?

Allows you to have pre-made variants to the default dynocap capabilities

How to add to the game?

Dynocaps caps adds a custom item entry for loot_tables


  "type": "minecraft:block",
  "pools": [
      "rolls": 1,
      "entries": [
          "type": "dynocaps:{TODO}", // not yet implemented
          "preset_name": "my_custom_preset" // same as you're json filename, but without the .json
      "conditions": [
          "condition": "minecraft:survives_explosion"

All jsons in this folder will be loaded as presets for dynocaps

.minecraft/dynocap_resources/{TODO} Not implemented yet


  "default_name": "Dynocap",
  "max_width": 10,
  "max_height": 10,
  "max_depth": 10,
  "default_color": "8728eb",
  "max_damage": -1,
  "repair_Item": "minecraft:air",
  "model_base_color": "dddddd",
  "preventCaptureBlocks": {
    "TYPE": "net.minecraft.block.Block",
    "SET": [
  "preventOverrideBlocks": {
    "TYPE": "net.minecraft.block.Block",
    "SET": [
  "preventCaptureEntity": {},
  "isRusty": false,
  "flags": {
    "TYPE": "java.lang.String",
    "SET": [